1. Does God command what is "holy and right" because it is holy and right? or is what is "holy and right" holy and right because He commanded it?
(this requires a massive amount of thought and time......im saving this one for when the jw come back to my door, I've used the ones below already....I just love it when they visit!)
2. Why would a loving God send Satan to Earth? Wouldn't it have been better for all involved if God Almighty just sent him off into a black hole?
3. If the end of the world arrives and you are saved to live in "paradise" on earth and all those you love dearly (hb/wife,children,parents,siblings,friends) are not, would you still say that "paradise" is paradise?
4. I would rather live in hell with my children than in heaven without them.
5. Doing good to receive a place in paradise for yourself is less moral than doing good with no promise of reward.
6. If you dont vote, you can't complain.
7. Living on earth with no one but JW's is my idea of hell. (i havent actually said this, but i have thought it)
8. God forgives everyone because God is Love and Love, being what it is, forgives....in fact it has no need to forgive, for if it is Love it does not condemn.
9. God gave you a brain, use it....question everything, including the truth.